By Royal Appointment – Panache Boutique
Where heritage lies at the heart of design
Official Makeup Partner: @officiallubnarafiq
Photography: @pardesiphoto
Your bridal outfit is not just the attire you choose for the most important day of your life, it’s a garment that will become a family heirloom and in years to come, a precious gift you can pass on to future generations. This is a theme that has long inspired the opulence and regalness you’ll find in all of Panache Boutique’s collections and this one was no exception.
The audience was treated to an array of traditional red and gold combinations.
As well as the influence of nature on the designs, architecture too played a part with a gold and silver lengha skirt decorated with windows and frames reminiscent of the styles you find in Mughal temples.
Luxurious fabrics like deep velvets added texture to the line-up of lush outfits that were straight from the wardrobe department of a historic Bollywood epic.
Jewellery: Jauhar Jewels
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